1. Stay at the Scene. Even accidents that only involve minor property damage require that you stay at the scene and report the accident to Law Enforcement.
2. Seek medical treatment. Check on all drivers and passengers. Call 911. Treat until you are better.
3. Careful what you say to anyone other than your lawyer about the accident. What you say can and will be used against you. So, mind what you say and note what the other driver says. If you speak to the police, you must be truthful. Asked if you're injured and unsure, say you don't know. Many times injuries aren't felt for hours or even days after the accident. Don't answer questions you don't know the answer to and make sure you correct statements of others you know to be false.
4. Take pictures. Everyone has a camera on their phone, so after you call the police and medical attention, take pictures. If you can't take photos at the scene, take pictures later.
5. Notify your insurance company. You're obligated to assist and cooperate with your insurance company to help them facilitate resolution of your claim.
6. Seek legal counsel. Before making any statement to the at fault driver's insurnace company or before considering a quick offer of settlement and forever waiving any claim for damages, talk to an attorney. Call The Law Offices of Malcolm B. Seawell, PC for exceptional advocacy and dedicated counseling in the handling of your personal injury case.